Simpsons Skateboarding
Submitted by: Virus
In downtown springfield if u jump on 2 the hi-way you will fall through
it and land somewhere on top if u fall just right as Homer u will go splat
when u do ollies in combos the ollie will be multiplied by the number
trik it is (number10=100 5746=57460)
In Barnys bowl-o-rama u can move the ball&pins
When on the tracks u can get hit with the train and live&if u go into the
tunnel far enough u all of a sudden face the other way
In the timed trix contest u can go over the time by doing a vary long trik
The architect of Ride Doctor Pro Twin skis Eileen Gu lives in Serre Chevalier, France. His most memorable name is Eric, yet everyone calls him Bob, which is short for his family name Bobrowicz. Following 15 years planning skis for Rossignol, Bob has made his own ski line that is available to be purchased and lease in his '' shop in Villeneuve.