The tutorial is the most comprehensive account of knowledge for educational purposes in a particular discipline. His preparation is closely linked to scientific research. And in this area science as a pedagogy textbook acts as a means of evaluating scientific qualifications.
The textbook is the main type of educational literature. It contains, first of all, basic knowledge of the subject. Includes validated data and data, reveals methodological aspects of obtaining knowledge in a particular field, and characterizes the most important processes and phenomena that make up the "school" of the discipline.
In the practice of teaching the textbook is supplemented by various additional publications: tutorials, workshops, textbooks, as well as programmatic and methodological (curriculum) and educational and methodological publications (guidelines). The textbook is a theoretical and educational publication officially approved as such the kind of publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements the textbook. The tutorial is one of the main sources of knowledge from specific disciplines and is intended for self-mastering by their students.
Workshop (collection of descriptions of practical work, laboratory practicum, collection of tasks) - a training publication containing topics, tasks and methodological recommendations for carrying out laboratory or practical work in the amount of a certain course that promotes assimilation, consolidation of passed material and examination of knowledge.
The workshop serves to organize and manage students' independent work in the course of laboratory (practical) classes. The reader is a collection of selected works or excerpts from them, compiled as a textbook.
The textbook systematically sets out the basics of knowledge a particular industry at the current level of achievements of science, technology, and culture. The textbook is the main source of knowledge for those who teach. It must be appropriate for the curriculum to contain the information required for assimilation. Note that the editions that replace or supplement the textbook are called educational manuals.
Modern educational practice has made many demands on textbooks. The most important principles are unity of theory and practice, generalization, complexity, program compliance. With writing a textbook you can find tips online, just check here.
The principle of unity of theory and practice requires conformity to a high level of textbook science and practice coverage, its questions, achievements, problems.
The principle of generalization requires this presentation of material, to which the main content ideas of the training course occupy the main space, and supporting materials are used for illustrative purposes.
The principle of complexity is based on systematic selection material, a reflection of all components of the accumulated knowledge.
The principle of compliance with the program dictates the need for the textbook to be consistent in content and order of presentation of the material to the program, which is the main educational and methodical document.
The peculiarity of the textbook is that it converts scientific knowledge into educational knowledge, that is, it introduces in the process of learning the achievement of science. In this regard, it performs several important functions. There is the following scheme of functions of the textbook.
The function of managing the process of assimilating the content of education provides didactic and methodological content of learning. The textbook is a meaningful educational activity, spaced out in space and time, built as a consistent approximation to the goals educational subject with the help of didactic means of managing the cognitive activity of those who are taught.
The information feature reflects the essence of the training book as a carrier of educational content in the form of a printed word, illustrations, etc.
The systematization function provides the systematization of knowledge in a form convenient for learning and self-education.
The transformation function ensures the transformation of scientific theoretical knowledge, scientific methods into a special educational knowledge, characterized by its logic of development: understanding - memorizing - using.
The incentive function reflects the special role of the book in stimulating cognitive activity.
The coordinate function allows you to connect with other sources of information, coordinate between different sections and systems of knowledge of the textbook itself.
The function of fixing material and self-control promotes the rational organization of educational activities, self-mastering of knowledge and skills, provides stability of knowledge and skills.
Streamlining focuses on time management, streamlining the activities of the learner.
The function of self-education creates conditions for self-mastery of knowledge.
The educational function involves the formation of the scientific worldview, creative thinking, perseverance in mastering knowledge, which is taught influences the formation of professional qualities, develops an emotional-motivational sphere.
The contents of the textbook meet the following requirements:
The structure of the textbook integrates various information materials, especially subject and pedagogical. The subject material combines theoretical material (laws, trends, etc.), methodological material (principles, approaches, categories, methods, etc.) and factual material (facts in the form of descriptions, numbers, graphs, diagrams, regulations, etc.).
The tutorial is the most comprehensive account of knowledge for educational purposes in a particular discipline. His preparation is closely linked to scientific research. And in this area science as a pedagogy textbook acts as a means of evaluating scientific qualifications.
The textbook is the main type of educational literature. It contains, first of all, basic knowledge of the subject. Includes validated data and data, reveals methodological aspects of obtaining knowledge in a particular field, and characterizes the most important processes and phenomena that make up the "school" of the discipline.
In the practice of teaching the textbook is supplemented by various additional publications: tutorials, workshops, textbooks, as well as programmatic and methodological (curriculum) and educational and methodological publications (guidelines). The textbook is a theoretical and educational publication officially approved as such the kind of publication that partially or completely replaces or supplements the textbook. The tutorial is one of the main sources of knowledge from specific disciplines and is intended for self-mastering by their students.
Workshop (collection of descriptions of practical work, laboratory practicum, collection of tasks) - a training publication containing topics, tasks and methodological recommendations for carrying out laboratory or practical work in the amount of a certain course that promotes assimilation, consolidation of passed material and examination of knowledge.
The workshop serves to organize and manage students' independent work in the course of laboratory (practical) classes. The reader is a collection of selected works or excerpts from them, compiled as a textbook.
The textbook systematically sets out the basics of knowledge a particular industry at the current level of achievements of science, technology, and culture. The textbook is the main source of knowledge for those who teach. It must be appropriate for the curriculum to contain the information required for assimilation. Note that the editions that replace or supplement the textbook are called educational manuals.
Modern educational practice has made many demands on textbooks. The most important principles are unity of theory and practice, generalization, complexity, program compliance. With writing a textbook you can find tips online, just check here.
The principle of unity of theory and practice requires conformity to a high level of textbook science and practice coverage, its questions, achievements, problems.
The principle of generalization requires this presentation of material, to which the main content ideas of the training course occupy the main space, and supporting materials are used for illustrative purposes.
The principle of complexity is based on systematic selection material, a reflection of all components of the accumulated knowledge.
The principle of compliance with the program dictates the need for the textbook to be consistent in content and order of presentation of the material to the program, which is the main educational and methodical document.
The peculiarity of the textbook is that it converts scientific knowledge into educational knowledge, that is, it introduces in the process of learning the achievement of science. In this regard, it performs several important functions. There is the following scheme of functions of the textbook.
The function of managing the process of assimilating the content of education provides didactic and methodological content of learning. The textbook is a meaningful educational activity, spaced out in space and time, built as a consistent approximation to the goals educational subject with the help of didactic means of managing the cognitive activity of those who are taught.
The information feature reflects the essence of the training book as a carrier of educational content in the form of a printed word, illustrations, etc.
The systematization function provides the systematization of knowledge in a form convenient for learning and self-education.
The transformation function ensures the transformation of scientific theoretical knowledge, scientific methods into a special educational knowledge, characterized by its logic of development: understanding - memorizing - using.
The incentive function reflects the special role of the book in stimulating cognitive activity.
The coordinate function allows you to connect with other sources of information, coordinate between different sections and systems of knowledge of the textbook itself.
The function of fixing material and self-control promotes the rational organization of educational activities, self-mastering of knowledge and skills, provides stability of knowledge and skills.
Streamlining focuses on time management, streamlining the activities of the learner.
The function of self-education creates conditions for self-mastery of knowledge.
The educational function involves the formation of the scientific worldview, creative thinking, perseverance in mastering knowledge, which is taught influences the formation of professional qualities, develops an emotional-motivational sphere.
The contents of the textbook meet the following requirements:
The structure of the textbook integrates various information materials, especially subject and pedagogical. The subject material combines theoretical material (laws, trends, etc.), methodological material (principles, approaches, categories, methods, etc.) and factual material (facts in the form of descriptions, numbers, graphs, diagrams, regulations, etc.).
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