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Writing a scientific article: rules for Australian students

  • 22 de abril de 2020

    The main goal of the scientific publication is to acquaint the scientific community with the results of the author’s research, as well as to indicate its priority in the chosen field of science.

    A scientific article is a short, but sufficient for the understanding report on the study and its significance for the development of this field of science. It should contain a sufficient amount of information and links to its sources so that colleagues themselves can evaluate and verify the results of the work.

    The article should clearly and concisely state the current state of the issue, the purpose and methodology of the study, the results and discussion of the data. These may be the results of own experimental research, the generalization of production experience, as well as an analytical review of information in the field under consideration.

    In the work devoted to experimental (practical) research, it is necessary to describe the experimental technique and evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of the results obtained. It is desirable that the results of the work be presented in a visual form: in the form of tables, graphs, charts.

    During writing an article, you must follow the rules for building a scientific publication and adhere to the requirements of a scientific style of speech. This provides an unambiguous perception and evaluation of data by readers.

    The main features of the scientific style are objectivity, consistency, accuracy.

    To comply with the objectivity requirements of scientific speech, one cannot allow the use of emotional statements and personal evaluations in a scientific article.

    Logic implies a rigid semantic connection at all levels of the text: information blocks, statements, words in a sentence. The requirements of observance of semantic accuracy and logic must be adhered to when constructing a paragraph. In particular, the proposal that opens it should be thematic, that is, contain a question or a brief introduction to the presentation of the data. If you need some samples or other help you can find it on The following sentences of the paragraph set out specific information - data, ideas, evidence. The paragraph ends with a generalization of what has been said - a sentence that contains a conclusion. An important condition for reading comprehension is the simplicity of presentation, therefore, only one thought should be contained in one sentence.

    The need to comply with the accuracy requirement is manifested in the fact that terms occupy a significant place in a scientific text. The uniqueness of statements is achieved by their correct use. To do this, the author needs to follow certain rules:

    use common, clear, and unambiguous terms;

    when introducing a new, uncommon term, it is necessary to explain its meaning;

    not to use a concept that has two meanings without specifying in which one it will be applied;

    do not apply one word in two meanings and different words in one meaning;

    At the beginning of the work on the article, the following questions must be posed.

    1. What is the main purpose of the article? It should be clearly defined:

    - Do you describe new research results (in this case, this will be an experimental article);

    - Do you give a new interpretation to previously published results (a consolidated analytical article, which is used to put forward and substantiate a large hypothesis);

    - Do you do a review of the literature or a major topic (it is important here to show the author’s, critical attitude to the material under consideration, in such an article analysis and generalization are necessary)?

    1. What is the difference between the article and other studies on this topic, its novelty? It should be determined:

    - what contribution the publication makes to science;

    - what is the relevance of the presented results to other studies in this area;

    - whether this material has been published previously.

    The next stage of the work is the definition of an idea or a basic hypothesis. Naturally, in general terms, it has already been formed, however, it is worth analyzing it again. Ideally, the article should ask one question and contain such a volume of information that allows an exhaustive answer to it. Formulate working hypotheses, think over the whole possible range of answers to the main question of the article: those that you are going to prove, and those that you intend to refute.