Publicado em 5 de julho de 2019
Hi! Today I bring you a #compilation with #cakes from my channel.
Enjoy watching and don´t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel (if you are not) and click the "BELL" to turn on the notifications to stay up to date with my latest cake #decorating videos. Thank you!
*To find out more about the items I use, please visit:
*You can support this channel by sharing my videos. Thank you.
****More cake compilations videos****
AMAZING CAKES Compilation! Sofia Disney Princess Minion
More AMAZING KIDS CAKES Compilation! Cinderella Disney Tinker Bell Emoji Peppa Pig
************************FOLLOW ME********************************
CakesStepbyStep is about cakes and cupcakes decorating with fondant and buttercream frosting. Also you can watch simple chocolate decoration techniques and cake recipes. Learn with me basic cake decoration techniques which will help you to decórate your own cake masterpiece. ***********HAVE FUN!
Music credit: YouTube Audio Library
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