Publicado em 10 de junho de 2015
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Long Board Workout:
I am coming to you from the Runtastic Headquarters in Austria and will be teaching my colleagues how to stay fit, healthy and active while still working very diligently and time effectively.
20 Seated Heel Raises
20 Desk Push Ups
20 Chair Tap Squats
20 Desk Bicep Isolations
Replace your chair with a stability ball
Try all 5 of these exercises periodically throughout your day, as often as you can-- and as you can see some of these you can actually do without even interrupting your work flow. They take very little time and can really help you recharge and refocus. Your challenge this week is to not only do these Deskercises yourself, but to get your office and colleagues involved as well. Work as a team and stay fit, healthy and active as a team.